Mogollon Overlook

Mogollon Overlook


How many times have I stood overlooking the Mogollon Rim and yet it still leaves me breathless. I first experienced her grandness on camping trips with my parents, then later with my own family and friends. Now from our cabin this is one of our favorite adventures, off-roading through our great pine forests to reach her. This region is named for Juan Ignacio Flores Mogollon, a Spanish colonial governor whose last name is pronounced “MUG-ee-own.” The Rim spans over 200 miles dividing our state. She reaches 8000 feet in elevation in some areas and drops about 2000 feet below in others. Standing on her craggy limestone and sandstone cliffs you have the most amazing views as far as the eye can see, including the towns of Strawberry and Pine below. Each time we visit, it seems different and wonderful as the clouds billow across this great canvas while the seasons change. Such beauty in Arizona and close enough for a day trip from the valley at just over a 2-hour drive. If you have never seen it, I highly encourage you to pack a picnic and plan a trip, you will not regret it!!

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