Ramblas Bouquet

Ramblas Bouquet


Strolling Las Ramblas, hand in hand, we leisurely took in the sights and sounds around us; people from so many different cultures wandering here and there, the sidewalk cafes with their festive umbrellas, the shops and hotels lining the walkway. Peering down the narrow cobble-stoned streets, between ancient buildings and old Roman walls, now past the cathedral, one has a sense of stepping back through time. How many have walked before us? If only I could have witnessed them in their time, I try to imagine…

The fragrant smell of flowers catches my attention and then the vibrant flower stands entrance, what a kaleidoscope of color and texture. It was dusk now as we strolled further and the historic streetlights came on along with those of the flower stands. They now take on a beautiful warm glow highlighting all that the light caresses, as the daylight slowly fades away.

She collects her flowers with joy in her heart, thankful for the divine beauty before her. She remembers sunflowers are known as one of the most joyous flowers. The sunflower is also a symbol of God’s love and represents the unwavering faith that guides the soul as she turns her face always towards the suns rays.

I reflect on these words and the more I paint the more I realize I am her and she is me, we gathers the flowers joyfully and at peace.

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