Lucy on 3TV with Jamie Cerreta!

Carefree Artist Paints Essence of Nature’s Beauty

Artist Lucy Dickens personally experiences her subjects before ever picking up her paintbrush. She paints what she sees. Lucy’s oil-on-canvas paintings focus on landscapes, botanicals and wildlife. Not only are the sights and sounds of nature expressed through her work, so is her deep faith in God. This is her inspiration to create praiseworthy paintings, and it is the sentiment woven throughout her life and in all her creativity.

Lucy Dickens Featured on AZFAMILY 3TV with Jamie Ceretta

Lucy Dickens – Exhilarating to Behold

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Fox10 Interview

Cory McCloskey from Fox 10 Phoenix visited Lucy’s studio to interview her about her art work and other artists that will be featured at the Hidden in the Hills Studio Tour and Art Sale.

Phoenix Home and Garden
October/November 2024

Check out the October/November edition. A HUGE thank you to the entire team at PHG!

Foothills Focus

The Foothills Focus has featured Lucy in this edition. The Foothills Focus is Arizona ‘s fastest growing weekly newspaper. We are your source for community news in Anthem, Black Canyon City, Carefree, Cave Creek, Desert Hills, New River, North Phoenix, and North Scottsdale.

Featured in Starlight Scribe – Painting the Magic in Storytelling

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